Who is S.A.L.T.?
The Single Adults Living in Truth (S.A.L.T.) Ministry is the singles ministry of Elizabeth Baptist Church. We engage our members with "The S.A.L.T. Hour," an interactive meeting where we discuss a range of thought-provoking topics. We also enjoy fellowship through our “S.A.L.T. Social” events like our Sip & Sing-Along and Game Nights. Our meetings, and our events are held periodically throughout the year. Please join our S.A.L.T. Group on Realm, email us at [email protected] and follow us on Social Media @saltofebc for more information and to stay up to date on meetings and events.
How To Stay Connected with SALT
• Sign into EBC Realm (if needed, Register and setup an account),
• Type S.A.L.T. in the Search window at the top of page to locate our group, and then from our page,
• Click on the “Join S.A.L.T.” bar.