THE POWER OF PRAYER: Jeremiah’s Example

"Call to me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known." Jeremiah 33:3

One of the most effective ways that God has provided for us to connect with Him is through prayer. 

Jeremiah 33:3 is an excellent reminder for us that the purpose of prayer is not to request that God meet our requirements but to seek a closer relationship with God.

Our lives are hectic, and it’s easy for us to forget to pray. We may even consider it merely one more thing to check off our lists. But prayer isn’t simply a spiritual practice; it’s essential to our connection with God. 

When we pray, we invite God to be a part of our lives and make ourselves available to accept the blessings and direction He offers. The life of Jesus exemplifies the power of prayer in one of the most straightforward and compelling ways observed. Over the entirety of His mission, Jesus considered prayer a top priority, and He frequently retired to isolated locations to commune with His Father to pray and ask for guidance. Jesus prayed earnestly to God in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before He was crucified, begging God to take away the cup of pain that He would have to endure, willingly submitting to the will of God when the answer was clear. 


During one span of Israel's turbulent history, Jeremiah was a prophet. His job was to warn Israel of God's judgment and call them to repentance. Like Jesus, Jeremiah was known for his prayer life. And we are shown in Jeremiah 33:3 that God answered his prayers.

We can learn from Jeremiah's prayer life. Jeremiah prayed. He prayed to God for direction, and He revealed great and hidden things to him. Jeremiah's prayer routine was a ministry tool and a personal habit. He gained insight into the hearts of the children of Isreal through prayer. He could console, warn, and encourage because he was close to God.

Jeremiah's prayers show the power of persistence. When God didn't answer right away, he kept praying. He continued to seek God, crying out to Him and waiting on Him. God responded.

In the end, Jeremiah prayed, listened, and obeyed. His example reminds us that prayer is not a ritual but a potent tool for spiritual growth and mission. It’s time to follow his example of praying and believing that God will answer. 


Jeremiah made prayer a priority. When we make prayer a priority in our own lives, we have the opportunity to experience the transformative power of prayer. When we pray, we are conversing with God, who is responsible for everything in the cosmos. We can bring all of our concerns to Him. We can leave our needs, hopes, and anxieties in His hands and have faith that He will hear and answer us.

Pray daily. Choose a time when you won't be interrupted, such as first thing in the morning, during your lunch break, or before you sleep. 

Find someplace where you can pray in peace and be free of interruptions.

Keeping a prayer journal will help you see what your prayers have been in the past and give you a place to reflect on God’s goodness as you see how He has answered them.

Join a prayer group. Praying with other people and encouraging one another as you travel the path of your faith is an amazing way to grow closer to God.


God is still speaking. It doesn't matter if you're in a prison-like situation. There is a reason to shout for joy because God can still talk to you. I have a hunch that someone is in a situation that seems too hard, but God can still speak to them. God spoke to Jeremiah. Here's what's going on: I will send a relative to bring you an opportunity, and whatever you do, don't miss it. Here's your chance: buy land in the city where the Chaldeans and Babylonians will attack. Jeremiah, I want you to have land because that's not the end of the story. Even though they may be in captivity for a while, I'm going to turn it around, and when I do, the land that will be destroyed will be a land I've set aside for you to use, and I'll bless you even through that.

God is speaking to Jeremiah in Jeremiah 33:3 with this beautiful invitation to call upon Him, to trust that He has everything under control. The first thing we should think about in any test is the same. Call to Me—that's an invitational plea to pray, and the reason many of us don't pray is that we call on everyone but God. When something bad happens in your life, you call on everyone and everything but God. God tells Jeremiah, "call on Me.” 



"Pray without ceasing." 1 Thessalonians 5:17

This verse serves as a reminder that prayer is not merely a spiritual practice but a way of life. Praying without ceasing indicates that we are always conscious of God's presence in our lives and that our relationship with Him is unbroken at all times.

That means we pray not only when we have a particular need or request but throughout the day and every circumstance. Bring God into every decision you make, and have faith that He will direct you and give you the strength you need. 

As we prioritize prayer in our lives, we will encounter the majesty and might of God in fresh and exciting ways. 

Therefore, let’s follow the call of Jeremiah 33:3 and pray, having faith that God will answer in ways that will show great and unsearchable things to us that we do not know.

As you seek the face of God in prayer, may He bless your efforts and grant your requests.

Atlanta Campus

4245 Cascade Rd SW
City of South Fulton, GA 30331


Service Times 
Sundays: 7:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m.  12:00 p.m. (In-person and Online)
6:00 p.m. (Online Only) @

Wednsday Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. (Online Only)

Smyrna Campus

2581 Spring Road Smyrna, GA 30080

Sundays 8:30am

Douglasville Campus

2990 Bright Star Road
Douglasville GA 30134

Service Times
10:45 a.m.

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